CAT WWR Redefining original workwear. Meet us at the intersection of technology and style.

The Journal

Redefining workwear is a team effort. CAT's team is made up of creativity and contemporary cultural movements, is a collective journey rooted in urban subcultures and street sports, alternative music and underground art. These are the stories of those who share our same vision. Discover them with us.

  1. Margot Waslet - Skater

    Nothing like skateboarding can connect to the social and architectural dimensions of a city, especially if the city is Marseille: the chaotic, enig...
  2. Francesco Buonfino & Mirko Romanelli - Creatives

    Our desire to redefine workwear comes as much from our brand heritage as it does from contemporary craftsmanship. That's why we selected two ad ho...
  3. Zampa - Rapper

    Culture passes through pioneers and their ability to imagine the unexplored, to travel roads yet traveled, and to see fullness where empty spaces h...
  4. Rob Cairns - Rider

    Fixed gear bike plays many roles in Rob Cairns' life. This London-based rider and content producer is connected like few other human beings to this...

CAT WWR | Redefining original workwear